a life in perfect balance

rebecca chapman  - relationship whisperer

6 Remarkable Ways your Broken Family are The Grinch at Christmas. 3 Ways it’s Easily Fixed.

I recently moved from a big city to a really small country town in Queensland Australia and my house is about 5 minutes from a beach. Chances are, when I've written this  that that's where I am. Feet in the sand, staring at the ocean and working out whether or not I want to go in. Strange thing here is that the water is really warm - like a bath. To be honest - it can feel a bit creepy on your skin. So - I don't always go in.
I'll have food on my clothes for absolute sure and my care factor about that is a big ZERO.



Broken Family

6 ways your family can be The Grinch that Stole Christmas and how to fix it.*

“The family inside is frightful

  Escape looks so delightful.

 Since it’s only about what we show

Let me go. Let me go. Let me go. “**

The absence of emotional support in childhood can be damaging and long-lasting. We call this Childhood Emotional Neglect.

Any family gathering will only make all this so much worse. Christmas is often one of the most dreaded times of the year. There really are only two options: you go “no contact” or grab as much advice as possible, and spend time with people who probably are not going to respect your boundaries, and will reinforce all the years of painful childhood neglect you endured.

It is possible to minimise the damage. I have offered some hints and tips in my previous article, but it is best to first try and see the different ways your family can be the Grinch who stole Christmas.

Here are six ways it can suck:

1. Spending time with your CEN parents.

Childhood Emotional Neglect (CEN) doesn’t just go away on its own. If your parents were emotionally blind when they raised you, they are probably still emotionally blind.

So, suppose you felt overlooked and misunderstood as a child. In that case, this uncomfortable, difficult-to-name feeling will be there every single time you visit your parents.

You might feel irritated, frustrated, or angry at your parents without any apparent reason. You might feel guilty for not loving them more. Being an ungrateful kid. This makes for a very uncomfortable day.

2. Weird-ass sibling reactions:

The thing about CEN is that it affects all the kids, but usually differently.

Everyone senses something is a bit off (it’s emotional validation and attention). Still, they don’t know what it is or what it means.

Emotionally neglected siblings tend to go either of two different ways. They might compete for the feeling of being seen and heard that they’re not getting from the parents, or they might just look for it outside the family.

They might drift apart. Bringing CEN siblings back together for the holidays as adults might leave them feeling either competitive or impossibly distant. You might end up feeling hurt, attacked, or simply not cared about. Not a good way to spend the holidays.

3. The disappointment:

The hype and excitement of the holidays can build up our expectations. Even if we’ve had shitty years before. There’s so much social pressure to anticipate a “wonderful time of the year,” and most of us end up caving into the pressure.

We start each season hoping that things will be jolly and happy this year. But, unfortunately, it’s impossible to avoid the disappointment that you feel when it’s not. It’s also an awkward topic of conversation to have with friends — especially when you can’t explain how you feel to yourself.

4. Emptiness becomes more apparent:

With your feelings pushed underground, you might be living with some feelings of emptiness or numbness that come and go in your life.

So, it’s not surprising that during the holidays, when you are “supposed” to feel so much joy, your lack of feelings becomes more pronounced. Most CEN people feel extra empty during the holidays. Delightful. Quite often, your partner or friends will notice the difference in you and be a bit confused — which leads to the next one.

5. Feeling distant from everyone in general:

Our feelings are meant to deepen our connections with people and add meaning and strength to all our relationships. But when you’ve been pushing your feelings away, you might long for the sense of warm connection that other people seem to be enjoying. You might feel more alone, more disconnected, in sharp contrast to what you know is the holiday ideal. It is everywhere.

6. The focus on family appearances feels fake and empty:

Here’s the thing about CEN families’ superficial conversation and interaction: it’s a little like drinking watered-down coffee; it’s boring, unsatisfying, and not all that enjoyable.

It’s part of the reason why so many CEN people find themselves bored when they’re with their families. That can lead to even more guilt.

How do we fix this?

1. Show yourself some softness and kindness.

Be gentle. I have a whole list of survival strategies, and you can go through this with your therapist or write down a few things you do to self-soothe — and now is not the time to judge them. Things that make you feel safe and make time disappear. This is what was missing when you were growing up — so this isn’t something that comes easily to you anyway.

Get support. Watch for moments when you are pressuring yourself to feel, act, or be a certain way. Catch yourself and remind yourself that you are okay as you are; you are not required to be anything for anyone.’ Tis the season to be kind: to yourself. So then…

2. Manage what you expect.

Try not to get caught up in the expectation that all will suddenly be great this year and that you “should” be happy. Recognise that you might not be able to change your family, but you can change yourself. That takes time and effort.

Try to keep your expectations realistic when you think about the holidays. It’s an excellent time to make a promise to yourself to get some work in with a therapist before next year. So that all these feelings don’t overwhelm you the next time the family gets together. Finally…

3. Self-care. Self-care. Self-care.

One significant risk for CEN people through the holidays is looking after other people’s needs. And ignoring their own.

So I’d like to suggest that you consciously pull your focus away from everyone outside yourself and direct your nurturing skills at yourself.

You are responsible for caring for yourself first, and everyone else comes second. So make sure you get enough rest, help, healthy food, and enjoyment. It’s not selfish. It’s necessary!

This is not about something you’ve done or you at all — but only you can stand up for yourself and be what you needed in childhood. May the Force be with you.  

If you’d like help to negotiate the holiday season – I’m right here. It’s a busy time for me – you’d be surprised how many of those smiling people are actually dreading Christmas.

So Book Here to save your spot.  I will get you through it.

In the meantime here are a couple of other articles that will help.

4 revolutionary steps to take when your parents make you feel like S$$t.

20 Proven Steps To Help You Deal With A Powerful, Narcissist Mother



Disclaimer: This article is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered a tool for accurate diagnosis or assessment of psychological conditions. The content provided is not a substitute for professional mental health advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

The information presented in this article is based on general knowledge and research up to the date of its publication. However, the field of psychology is complex and continually evolving, and individual circumstances can vary widely. Therefore, the content may not be applicable or relevant to specific personal situations.

Readers are strongly encouraged to consult qualified mental health professionals or licensed practitioners for personalized assessments, diagnosis, and treatment options tailored to their unique needs. If you or someone you know is experiencing psychological distress or exhibiting concerning behavior, seek immediate help from a qualified healthcare provider, therapist, or counselor.

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Lastly, please be aware that the content in this article may not cover all aspects of specific psychological conditions or mental health issues, and it is not a substitute for ongoing professional counseling or therapy. Seek appropriate guidance from qualified mental health experts to address your specific concerns comprehensively.

This article contains references to individuals, both living and deceased, solely for illustrative or historical purposes. These references are not intended to endorse, defame, or disrespect any person, and any resemblance to real individuals is purely coincidental.

While efforts have been made to provide accurate and up-to-date information, the portrayal of historical figures or living individuals in this article may be subjective or based on publicly available knowledge up to the time of writing. The intent is to provide context and examples for a more comprehensive understanding of the topic at hand.

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